2024 - Choir Camp Information
Choir Camp
Dates: June 17 - 21
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Program Date: Friday, June 21 at 7pm
Location: Messiah’s Independent Reformed Church
4528 48th St. Holland, MI 49423
Who is it for?
This is a fantastic, fun, free, opportunity for kids having completed 1st-8th grades in the 2023-24 school year to learn choral skills as they sing scripture based songs to our Lord. Each morning consists of group singing sessions, exciting theme-related scripture talks and object lessons during chapel time, Bible memory, appropriate grade level practical classroom instruction, recreational activities, refreshments, and other surprises which all culminate in a program on Friday night for family and friends.
What do you do at Choir Camp?
Choir Camp teaches the children in phases that move toward understanding how to sing in a choir. Practical instruction according to grade level abilities will include such things as physical stance (body and head position, holding music properly, learning to shift focus between music and director, etc.), proper breathing while singing (when, how, using abdomen, etc.), preparation of the voice for singing (warm ups), following directors cues (loud/soft, beginning/ending together, etc.), reading music (measures, symbols, part notations, etc.), learning to sing parts, learning to follow choral music, verbal enunciation, appreciation of lyrical content, overall presentation, etc.
What is the theme of Choir Camp?
This years’ theme is “Standing on the Solid Rock", based on Psalm 18:2. Songs and scripture talks are carefully chosen to center around the theme and various scriptures, as well as being enhanced by the entire staff. Our primary goals are to train voices to better participate in worship on the Lord’s Day and during times of in-home family devotions. We present good, God-honoring music. We teach that music brings joy in worshiping God and aides in building a closer, more intimate relationship with our Savior.
We’d love to have you join us! Sign up early! Space is limited.
Registration opens March 18, 2024. and closes May 17, 2024 at 11:00 am.
Registration is closed for 2024.
We are sorry but even if you try to register at Ticket Tailor on May 17 after 11 am the Choir Camp staff will not receive your child's registration.
If you have questions please email Roberta Macedo: rlucenamacedo@gmail.com
Dates: June 17 - 21
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Program Date: Friday, June 21 at 7pm
Location: Messiah’s Independent Reformed Church
4528 48th St. Holland, MI 49423
Who is it for?
This is a fantastic, fun, free, opportunity for kids having completed 1st-8th grades in the 2023-24 school year to learn choral skills as they sing scripture based songs to our Lord. Each morning consists of group singing sessions, exciting theme-related scripture talks and object lessons during chapel time, Bible memory, appropriate grade level practical classroom instruction, recreational activities, refreshments, and other surprises which all culminate in a program on Friday night for family and friends.
What do you do at Choir Camp?
Choir Camp teaches the children in phases that move toward understanding how to sing in a choir. Practical instruction according to grade level abilities will include such things as physical stance (body and head position, holding music properly, learning to shift focus between music and director, etc.), proper breathing while singing (when, how, using abdomen, etc.), preparation of the voice for singing (warm ups), following directors cues (loud/soft, beginning/ending together, etc.), reading music (measures, symbols, part notations, etc.), learning to sing parts, learning to follow choral music, verbal enunciation, appreciation of lyrical content, overall presentation, etc.
What is the theme of Choir Camp?
This years’ theme is “Standing on the Solid Rock", based on Psalm 18:2. Songs and scripture talks are carefully chosen to center around the theme and various scriptures, as well as being enhanced by the entire staff. Our primary goals are to train voices to better participate in worship on the Lord’s Day and during times of in-home family devotions. We present good, God-honoring music. We teach that music brings joy in worshiping God and aides in building a closer, more intimate relationship with our Savior.
We’d love to have you join us! Sign up early! Space is limited.
Registration opens March 18, 2024. and closes May 17, 2024 at 11:00 am.
Registration is closed for 2024.
We are sorry but even if you try to register at Ticket Tailor on May 17 after 11 am the Choir Camp staff will not receive your child's registration.
If you have questions please email Roberta Macedo: rlucenamacedo@gmail.com